Success and Mindset Coaching with Michelle Hayes
Success and Mindset Coaching with Michelle Hayes
Michelle Hayes is a business and mindset coach. With her growing passion and holistic approach to helping others live more abundant and fulfilled lives, she decided to enter the entrepreneurial space and coach professional women. She is passionate about helping others step into the best version of themselves and uncover their true potential in all areas of their lives.
What’s the Importance of Mindset?
Mindset is so important when it comes to anything that we want to set our mind to. First and foremost, let's look at this this way. As human beings, we are absolutely prone to negativity. However, we also understand that negativity leads us down a path that we don't want to go. It leads us to procrastination. It leads us to alibis and excuses. It leads us to giving up on things, always jumping from one thing to the next, because we want all the quick fixes.
When it comes to having a positive mindset, why is it important for where we want to go? Because first and foremost, positivity makes you feel good. When you feel good, you want to pursue what you want to pursue. If you are in a negative space, it drops your vibration, and that vibration doesn't induce you to do anything. When you are in that negative mindset, you don't move forward. So having a positive mindset is important.
As I said, we are prone to negativity. So what we need to do is purposefully make a “positive something” that we have to do every day. It's not natural for us to actually have a positive mindset, which is why we actually have to work on it. The way to move forward is to have that positive mindset. That is why it's so important to tap into anything that is going to uplift you and bring you up to a certain level of vibration.
How Do We Shift Our Mindset?
One of the simplest things to get you into a positive mindset is to have a goal. A goal in writing. I don't know if any one of you know Napoleon Hill, he wrote “The Signs of Getting Rich”. He pretty much says that if you ask 100 people if they have a goal, 98 of them will not know what you're talking about. The two people that will have a goal, 1 may have it in writing, this is where we get to that one percenters. We want to be the one percenters that actually have a goal in writing. It takes it out of your head, it puts it on paper, and that is already an action. Goals without action are just dreams. So you take it out of your head, you put it on paper.
Now when you have that goal, then you actually will start thinking…and start actually visualizing some action steps. It could be very small action steps. We're not talking about big, huge things. Making small action steps every day. And it's so important that when you have that goal, you set them up in a certain way for success. The end is one thing, knowing what you want is one thing, but you have to bring it down into small magical pieces. This is where habits are formed. Habits are formed by taking small, manageable steps every day, and being persistent in the things you do.
Want to learn more? Check out Lia and Michelle’s conversation HERE