Community and LinkedIn with Jonathyn Lopez
Community and LinkedIn with Jonathyn Lopez
Jonathyn Lopez is the Chief Publicist for Publify Press. He is a marketing and branding expert who is passionate about helping brands develop the best branding and marketing strategy. He is the founder of Publify Media and specializes in growing your personal brand which establishes credibility and brand identity. He is the co-founder of the networking community WAYWO.
Why LinkedIn?
Well, LinkedIn, for me, it's like picking what pool you jump in. One pool might look super cool, and might look super engaging, but there's not really any space. One thing about LinkedIn is that if everybody in America stopped using LinkedIn, they would be completely fine. Other than headquarters, they'd be completely fine because their presence is so large.
Some stats about LinkedIn is that it is 50/50, almost between women and men, and it puts you in direct correlation with decision makers. Another big thing about it is that if you have over 2000 followers on LinkedIn, that puts you in the top 30 percentile of influencers on LinkedIn.T
The crazy thing I realized was on Instagram, I spent a lot of time posting a video. I would get about 500 views, 20 comments, 5 thumbs up, and a good job. But on LinkedIn, I realized that I might get 30 engagements, two likes, but the comment is a lead or an actual person who can benefit as a part of my network.That's where I started to focus more on LinkedIn.
The biggest thing about LinkedIn is that it's craving personalities. Everybody thinks LinkedIn is so busy, but it's craving personality. I truly believe that the days are over of giant companies and nobody knows who runs these companies. People want you to show the human behind the business. It’s personal. I believe LinkedIn is going to be the catalyst in the same way Facebook 2012 was in terms of the way it's growing.
With LinkedIn, if you're consistent on it, you have that human aspect, and you show the purpose for your business, then if somebody sees your personality and they see your why, the only reason for you not to work together is if you don't get along. By LinkedIn, you can literally eliminate every single other factor, you can show credibility, you can show network, you can show your skill, and then when you talk, it’s figuring out if we get along. If it’s yes, then let's work together!.
How is LinkedIn compared to Alignable?
One of the biggest things is that it cuts out the first step, so you're directly talking to the decision maker. For me personally, one way that we were able to establish a sponsor was we messaged the CEO of a local coffee shop that we go to. And we said, “Hey, my name is Joe. I love drinking your coffee. We have some crazy ideas, get back to me.” Because he's a human being he said, “What are those crazy ideas”? We got in the same room with him and that completely eliminated all the other steps.
Tips for Setting Up Your LinkedIn Profile.
One huge thing I do that helps me a lot is that for my name, I put my first name as Jonathan Lopez and my last name as what I do.
The biggest thing is recommendations as well. I would encourage you to sit down and write who are the 10 most influential people I know. Then see if they have LinkedIn and get their recommendation.
Another huge thing, is to give kudos. I give kudos to Lia for her acceptance, her leadership and her skill set in photography. In doing so they're going to 9/10 times share it and now I'm presented to Lia's entire network as a friend. That’s one more step in trust level in business. Now she's presenting me as somebody who's naturally giving her kudos.
So the last thing on this point is, the best way to do this is if you have a target in mind. You should always have ideal clients and targets. Find that target and then literally become friends with everybody they know. Within a week, you will become friends with them somehow and then when you message them, it's like you guys know each other. It's ridiculous.
Check out Lia’s LinkedIn here.