Are you ready to pivot your product business journey?.

When you start a business, it is overwhelming and once you get knee-deep you either have to cut your losses or stick through it. I take you through the ten pathways that can help you pivot in your product based business journey that will allow you to find success.

This book can help you:

  • Start a product business and what mistakes not to make

  • Improve and change your perspective of how customers and how you view your business

  • Shift your ideas on how to increase your visibility to increase your product sales

  • By giving you implement now ideas to increase exposure in your business

There are ten pathways that you have to work on when you are running a business, these include Happiness, Mindset
Value, Niching Down, Telling Not Selling, Emotional Response, Collaboration over Competition, Authority of Knowledge, Know Your Value and Lifetime Education.

These pathways are processes that will not only change how you approach your business, but will allow you find what tasks, activities and methods you are using that need to be adjusted. This book helps you get the foundation built, so as you continue your entrepreneurial journey, you don't need to start over every time, the times get tough.

This book guarantees you mental growth, real life applicable tasks and fast tracks your way to making sales in no time.